StadtTeilen is a Research Project exploring urban practices of sharing.
The research project “StadtTeilen: Public space and housing as new commons in socially mixed neighbourhoods” explores the importance and the potential of sharing practices in heterogeneous neigbourhoods to counter the effects of growing housing and space competition, increasing segregation and gentrification processes. Within this context, the research explores diverse types of sharing practices from the sharing economy to urban commoning processes.
The research seeks thereby to sustain and further develop practices of sharing in the field of housing and public space that can contribute to create new urban commons.
By investigating which resources are shared, how, by whom and under which conditions, the research unveils social, structural, and material factors allowing or constraining the creation of new neighbourhood commons in heterogeneous quarters.
To do that, the project draws on selected case studies in inner-city neighbourhoods of the German cities of Berlin, Kassel and Stuttgart.
Forms and possibilities of sharing in these socially mixed neighbourhoods are explored following a transdicisplinary approach that includes: socio-spatial empirical analysis, ‘dialogue-events’ and a collaborative Urban Living Lab (ULL) with residents and diverse stakeholders.
The research project combines thereby different perspectives of urban research and planning, architecture, cultural studies and community work.